Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776


Reading Achievement Awards

Overview: This academic award is presented to students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 only for the top reading mark. Engraved medallions will be purchased from interest on money donated by the Historical Society.


Criteria for selection of students:

Grades 4 and 5 use Standardized Testing (Fountas & Pinnell)

Grade 6 use Provincial Achievement Test Part B.

TEPA Book Awards

Overview: TEPA has initiated and sponsors a non-academic award which will be given to one child in each classroom recognizing children who have shown a general love of school as demonstrated by their work habits, attitude, effort and pride in their studies, as well as their personal and social behaviors.


Criteria for selection of students:

  1. This student tries hard in his/her own work.  (Honors or pass not a necessity.)
  2. This student demonstrates a positive attitude and cooperative effort within the school environment.
  3. This student demonstrates the ability to work and play well with fellow students.

Selection procedure of students:

  1. Home room teacher will make the final decision with consultation with other teachers if appropriate and necessary.


  1. Award to be given only once to a selected child within their school career. No award given in Kindergarten, (Amended 4/5/2016)
  2. Award to be presented in class on June 26, 2024.


  1. One award per classroom (not grade).

Citizenship Award

Criteria: This award is presented to students in Grades 1-6 who have the ability to make wise decisions and care about others. Students who are responsible, respectful, trustworthy and honest.

Honor Roll

Criteria:  Average of 80% or higher in 4 core subjects.  No mark below 75%.  Maximum of one mark below 80%.