Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776

  • TEPA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 6:00 PM in the school-May 17, 2022

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    • Please join us for pizza, pop and consider volunteering for TEPA as we welcome new faces to our association. We have several positions open on our board including:
      1. Fundraising Coordinator
      2. Various Grade Representatives

    We also welcome folks who are interesting in attending meetings but not taking on a position, too. Mark your calendars, come on out and learn what TEPA does for our school!

    TEPA Information

    1. For the 2022-2023 school year, TEPA is planning on restarting our regular, parent prepared Hot Lunch Program! For parents new to our school in the last two years, the Hot Lunch Program historically ran twice a week throughout the school year on Tuesdays and Fridays (or Thursdays if Friday was a PD day/holiday). Students were offered a variety of hot lunch options each day including burgers, hot dogs, perogies and sausage, taco in a bag, chicken nuggets and nachos, pancakes, chicken wraps and pizza to name a few. Our traditional hot lunch also did not require advanced ordering like the hot lunch we’ve offered these past few weeks, so families have more flexibility to bring in their money or coupons on the day when hot lunch is being served.

    In preparation for next school year, we are looking for volunteers to help prepare hot lunch. We need between 35 and 40 volunteers to make a hot lunch program, as we ran it historically, work. The frequency of hot lunch each week and month as well as the number of hot lunch food options will greatly depend on the number of volunteers we have. If you want to your child(ren) to have twice weekly hot lunch, and you’re able to help, please consider volunteering.

    Here are the details for hot lunch volunteering:

    • Volunteers are placed in groups of four or five, depending on the item being prepared. Volunteers will always be with the same group of people all year, unless a change is requested/needed.
    • Volunteers are only asked to prepare one hot lunch item per month, your group will typically alternate between two hot lunch options, and you will prepare the same hot lunch item(s) throughout the year. For example, your group may prepare pancakes one month and perogies and sausage the next month, and then alternate between the two each month for the entire year.
    • Volunteers will be trained so they understand how the food is prepared, distributed to each class, and how to handle the coupons and money from hot lunch.
    • We can be flexible to your schedule and put you on a Tuesday hot lunch or Friday hot lunch to fit your schedule. If you’re on a Tuesday hot lunch, you will always be on Tuesdays, and likewise for Fridays.
    • The typical time commitment is between 2.5 to 3 hours per month.
    • If you have young children at home, you can bring them along with you to play quietly while you prepare food.
    • We also need a small subset of volunteers who may not be able to commit to regularly preparing hot lunch but are willing to be on a substitute list to call if someone gets sick, or has an unexpected emergency on their hot lunch day.
    • Volunteering for hot lunch is a great way to meet new people and we have a Keurig machine so you can have a coffee while you work!

    The Hot Lunch Program is TEPA’s biggest fundraiser each year. In the past, the Hot Lunch Program has funded purchasing new smart monitors in each classroom, microphones for each teacher, ribbons for the cross country run and track and field day, new school banners, and bussing for field trips to make field trips accessible and affordable for all! We cannot stress enough that if we do not have volunteers, we will not be able to offer your children a frequent hot lunch, and we may have limited funds available to support our school.

    Please contact [email protected] or connect with our Hot Lunch Representative, Samantha Dumont, if you’re interested in signing up to volunteer for next school year’s Hot Lunch Program!

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