Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776

  • Next Hot Lunch is March 18, 2022! Orders Accepted on March 15, 2022 by 3:00 pm

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    TEPA is pleased to announce the return of our hot lunch program! Starting Friday, March 4th, hot lunch will be offered twice a month and food will be provided from three restaurants in Thorsby: Thorsby Family Restaurant, Ku’s Family Restaurant and Thorsby Hotel Bar and Grill – a big thanks to these establishments for working with TEPA to provide hot lunch again! The cost of this hot lunch program is $6 per item and we’re honouring any coupons purchased for $3 each in 2019/202(2 coupons required per item). Hot lunch orders must be given to your child(ren)’s teacher with payment on the Tuesday prior to each hot lunch day so we can provide each restaurant enough time to prepare our orders.

    The hot lunch schedule starts as follows:

    1. Friday, March 18th – chicken fingers and fries from Ku’s Family Restaurant. Orders and payment due Tuesday, March 15, by 3 pm.
    2. Friday, April 8th – grilled cheese and fries from Thorsby Hotel Bar and Grill. Orders and payment due Tuesday, April 5, by 3 pm.


    PLEASE DO NOT ORDER HOT LUNCH TICKETS ON THE DAY ORDERS ARE DUE.  Your child may not receive them in time.

    With the removal of restrictions announced by the provincial government, TEPA is hoping we will be able to provide our regular, parent prepared hot lunch program soon! When the program re-launches, we will need volunteers to help us prepare food. We are unsure of the schedule and frequency of this program; however, in the past, the expectations of a hot lunch volunteer are to prepare one hot lunch meal per month and the same meal(s) will be prepared by the same group of volunteers each month. If you are interested in volunteering the hot lunch program and would like to be added to our volunteer list, or if you require additional information, please contact [email protected].

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