Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776

  • Hot Lunch

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    We strongly encourage coupons to be used on the day of hot lunch instead of cash. Please purchase coupons at least 24 hours before hot lunch so that we have time to get the coupons to the students.  If you order coupons online less than 24 hours, we do not guarantee that your child will receive the coupons in time. 

    Hot Lunch Info

    April –
    4 (Tues) – Nuggs & Nachos
    6 (Thurs) – Hotdogs
    11 (Tues) – Pierogi & Sausage
    14 (Fri) – Tacos in a Bag
    18 (Tues) – Grilled Cheese
    21 (Fri) – Pizza
    25 (Tues) – Pancakes
    27 (Thurs) – Kraft Dinner and Rice Krispie Treat

    May –
    2 (Tues) – Nuggs & Nachos
    5 (Fri) – Tacos in a Bag
    9 (Tues) – Hamburgers
    12 (Fri) – Grilled Cheese
    16 (Tues) – Pierogi & Sausage
    18 (Thurs) – Pizza
    23 (Tues) – Pancakes
    26 (Fri) – Track Meet- Free Hot Dogs and freezies
    30 (Tues) – Nuggs & Nachos

    June –
    2 (Fri) – Tacos in a Bag
    6 (Tues) – Hotdogs
    9 (Fri) – Grilled Cheese
    13 (Tues) – Pierogi & Sausage
    16 (Fri) – Pizza
    20 (Tues) – Pancakes
    23 (Fri) – Cup of Noodles & Kool Aid

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