Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776

  • Covid Protocols as of Feb. 14, 2022

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    Stage 1 – Feb 14 

    • No masks for students (any age) in school or on bus
    • No mask for children 0-12 anywhere
    • Masks are still required for all adults, including staff and visitors
    • Cohorting, enhance cleaning and other health actions remain in effect
    • If you are a known case of COVID and asymptomatic the requirement is still to isolate for 10 days.  
    • If vaccinated students/staff return to school from days 6-10, masks are still required.
      • They must not remove masks and/or eat with people who are not within the COVID window. We can put all of those students together and meet legal requirements.

    Stage 2 – Mar 1 – target date

    • Daily health checklists no longer required for youth activities (conversations about whether this is removed for schools during this Stage or not are happening in Education)
    • No masks required for anyone
    • All school health restrictions are removed

    Stage 3 – At least 3 weeks after Stage 2

    • Mandatory isolation moved to optional

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