Thorsby Elementary School

780 -789-3776

  • 3Z Muffin/Cookie Fundraiser for Ukraine

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    Grade 3Z is having a muffin and cookie sale to raise money to help people in Ukraine! The war that is going on right now between Ukraine and Russia has prompted many passionate discussions with the grade 3 classes.  It is absolutely devastating to hear what is happening to Ukraine.

    These are NOT preorder and will only be selling what we bake.

    We will sell on Wednesday, April 20th. 

    The price will be: 1 muffin for $1 and 2 cookies for $1.  Cash only.

    The muffin flavors will be: cranberry/oatmeal, honey banana, rise and shine, and apple cinnamon.  The cookie flavors will be: shortbread, sugar cookie, and oatmeal raisin.  Please help support the people of Ukraine!

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