Thorsby Elementary School
780 -789-3776
T.E.P.A (Thorsby Elementary Parents Association) is an organization of people concerned with the establishment, encouragement, and development of the highest possible standards of education and the welfare of children. It is a volunteer organization which aims to enhance funding and expand areas of education for the entire school population.
T.E.P.A invites your participation. Parent volunteers are involved in fund raising, as well as assisting in school activities and coordinating special events. In recent years, T.E.P.A. has been of immense value as a support group for the school. Information about the association activities may be obtained from the current executive.
T.E.P.A. Executive
President- Mandy Peck
Vice President- Laura Ohrn
Treasurer: Lisa Peck
Secretary: Morgan Johnston
Gaming Liaison:
Hot Lunch Coordinators: Carolynn Caldwell/Julie Kempf
Fundraising Chair:
Getting Involved- Volunteer Opportunities